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Search Space


AbstractSearchSpace dataclass

Bases: ABC

The AbstractSearchSpace class is an abstract base class for search spaces, which are used to define domains for sampling and optimisation functionality in GPJax.

dimensionality: int abstractmethod property

Dimensionality of the search space. Returns: int: Dimensionality of the search space.

__init__() -> None
sample(num_points: int, key: KeyArray) -> Float[Array, 'N D'] abstractmethod

Sample points from the search space. Args: num_points (int): Number of points to be sampled from the search space. key (KeyArray): JAX PRNG key. Returns: Float[Array, "N D"]: num_points points sampled from the search space.

ContinuousSearchSpace dataclass

Bases: AbstractSearchSpace

The ContinuousSearchSpace class is used to bound the domain of continuous real functions of dimension DD.

lower_bounds: Float[Array, ' D'] instance-attribute
upper_bounds: Float[Array, ' D'] instance-attribute
dimensionality: int property
__init__(lower_bounds: Float[Array, ' D'], upper_bounds: Float[Array, ' D']) -> None
sample(num_points: int, key: KeyArray) -> Float[Array, 'N D']

Sample points from the search space using a Halton sequence.


Name Type Description Default
num_points int

Number of points to be sampled from the search space.

key KeyArray



Returns: Float[Array, "N D"]: num_points points sampled using the Halton sequence from the search space.