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Compute Random Fourier Feature (RFF) kernel approximations.

RFF dataclass

Bases: AbstractKernel

Computes an approximation of the kernel using Random Fourier Features.

All stationary kernels are equivalent to the Fourier transform of a probability distribution. We call the corresponding distribution the spectral density. Using a finite number of basis functions, we can compute the spectral density using a Monte-Carlo approximation. This is done by sampling from the spectral density and computing the Fourier transform of the samples. The kernel is then approximated by the inner product of the Fourier transform of the samples with the Fourier transform of the data.

The key reference for this implementation is the following papers: - 'Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines' by Rahimi and Recht (2008). - 'On the Error of Random Fourier Features' by Sutherland and Schneider (2015).

active_dims: Optional[List[int]] = static_field(None) class-attribute instance-attribute
name: str = static_field('AbstractKernel') class-attribute instance-attribute
ndims property
spectral_density: Optional[tfd.Distribution] property
base_kernel: Union[AbstractKernel, None] = None class-attribute instance-attribute
num_basis_fns: int = static_field(50) class-attribute instance-attribute
frequencies: Union[Float[Array, 'M D'], None] = param_field(None, bijector=tfb.Identity()) class-attribute instance-attribute
compute_engine: BasisFunctionComputation = static_field(BasisFunctionComputation(), repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute
key: KeyArray = static_field(PRNGKey(123)) class-attribute instance-attribute
__init_subclass__(mutable: bool = False)
replace(**kwargs: Any) -> Self

Replace the values of the fields of the object.


Name Type Description Default
**kwargs Any

keyword arguments to replace the fields of the object.

Module: with the fields replaced.
replace_meta(**kwargs: Any) -> Self

Replace the metadata of the fields.


Name Type Description Default
**kwargs Any

keyword arguments to replace the metadata of the fields of the object.

Module: with the metadata of the fields replaced.
update_meta(**kwargs: Any) -> Self

Update the metadata of the fields. The metadata must already exist.


Name Type Description Default
**kwargs Any

keyword arguments to replace the fields of the object.

Module: with the fields replaced.
replace_trainable(**kwargs: Dict[str, bool]) -> Self

Replace the trainability status of local nodes of the Module.

replace_bijector(**kwargs: Dict[str, tfb.Bijector]) -> Self

Replace the bijectors of local nodes of the Module.

constrain() -> Self

Transform model parameters to the constrained space according to their defined bijectors.

Module: transformed to the constrained space.
unconstrain() -> Self

Transform model parameters to the unconstrained space according to their defined bijectors.

Module: transformed to the unconstrained space.
stop_gradient() -> Self

Stop gradients flowing through the Module.

Module: with gradients stopped.
trainables() -> Self
cross_covariance(x: Num[Array, 'N D'], y: Num[Array, 'M D'])
gram(x: Num[Array, 'N D'])
slice_input(x: Float[Array, '... D']) -> Float[Array, '... Q']

Slice out the relevant columns of the input matrix.

Select the relevant columns of the supplied matrix to be used within the kernel's evaluation.


Name Type Description Default
x Float[Array, '... D']

The matrix or vector that is to be sliced.

Float[Array, "... Q"]: A sliced form of the input matrix.
__add__(other: Union[AbstractKernel, ScalarFloat]) -> AbstractKernel

Add two kernels together. Args: other (AbstractKernel): The kernel to be added to the current kernel.

AbstractKernel: A new kernel that is the sum of the two kernels.
__radd__(other: Union[AbstractKernel, ScalarFloat]) -> AbstractKernel

Add two kernels together. Args: other (AbstractKernel): The kernel to be added to the current kernel.

AbstractKernel: A new kernel that is the sum of the two kernels.
__mul__(other: Union[AbstractKernel, ScalarFloat]) -> AbstractKernel

Multiply two kernels together.


Name Type Description Default
other AbstractKernel

The kernel to be multiplied with the current kernel.

AbstractKernel: A new kernel that is the product of the two kernels.
__init__(compute_engine: BasisFunctionComputation = static_field(BasisFunctionComputation(), repr=False), active_dims: Optional[List[int]] = static_field(None), name: str = static_field('AbstractKernel'), base_kernel: Union[AbstractKernel, None] = None, num_basis_fns: int = static_field(50), frequencies: Union[Float[Array, 'M D'], None] = param_field(None, bijector=tfb.Identity()), key: KeyArray = static_field(PRNGKey(123))) -> None
__post_init__() -> None

Post-initialisation function.

This function is called after the initialisation of the kernel. It is used to set the computation engine to be the basis function computation engine.

__call__(x: Float[Array, 'D 1'], y: Float[Array, 'D 1']) -> None

Superfluous for RFFs.

compute_features(x: Float[Array, 'N D']) -> Float[Array, 'N L']

Compute the features for the inputs.


Name Type Description Default
x Float[Array, 'N D']

A NΓ—DN \times D array of inputs.

Float[Array, "N L"]: A NΓ—LN \times L array of features where L=2ML = 2M.