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🌳 GPJax Module

GPJaxΒ represents all objects as JAX PyTrees, giving

  • A simple API with a TensorFlow / PyTorch feel ...
  • ... whilst fully compatible with JAX's functional paradigm ...
  • ... And works out of the box (no filtering) with JAX's transformations such as grad.

We achieve this through providing a base Module abstraction to cleanly handle parameter trainability and optimising transformations of JAX models.

Gaussian process objects as data

Our abstraction is inspired by the Equinox library and aims to offer a Bayesian/Gaussian process extension to their neural network abstractions. Our approach enables users to easily create Python classes and define parameter domains and training statuses for optimisation within a single model object. This object can be used with JAX autogradients without any filtering.

The fundamental concept is to describe every model object as an immutable tree structure, where every method is a function of the state (represented by the tree's leaves).

To help you understand how to create custom objects in GPJax, we will look at a simple example in the following section.

The RBF kernel

The kernel in a Gaussian process model is a mathematical function that defines the covariance structure between data points, allowing us to model complex relationships and make predictions based on the observed data. The radial basis function (RBF, or squared exponential) kernel is a popular choice. For any pair of vectors x,y∈Rdx, y \in \mathbb{R}^d, its form is given by

k(x,y)=Οƒ2exp⁑(βˆ₯xβˆ’yβˆ₯222β„“2) k(x, y) = \sigma^2\exp\left(\frac{\lVert x-y\rVert_{2}^2}{2\ell^2} \right)

where Οƒ2∈R>0\sigma^2\in\mathbb{R}_{>0} is a variance parameter and β„“2∈R>0\ell^2\in\mathbb{R}_{>0} a lengthscale parameter. Terming the evaluation of k(x,y)k(x, y) the covariance, we can represent this object as a Python dataclass as follows:

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class RBF:
    lengthscale: float = field(default=1.0)
    variance: float = field(default=1.0)

    def covariance(self, x: float, y: float) -> jax.Array:
        return self.variance * jnp.exp(-0.5 * ((x - y) / self.lengthscale) ** 2)

Here, the Python dataclass is a class that simplifies the process of creating classes that primarily store data. It reduces boilerplate code and provides convenient methods for initialising and representing the data. An equivalent class could be written as:

class RBF:
    def __init__(self, lengthscale: float = 1.0, variance: float = 1.0) -> None:
        self.lengthscale = lengthscale
        self.variance = variance

    def covariance(self, x: float, y: float) -> jax.Array:
        return self.variance * jnp.exp(-0.5 * ((x-y) / self.lengthscale)**2)

To establish some terminology, within the above RBF dataclass, we refer to the lengthscale and variance as fields. Further, the RBF.covariance is a method. So far so good. However, if we wanted to take the gradient of the kernel with respect to its parameters $\nabla_{\ell, \sigma^2} k(1.0, 2.0; \ell, \sigma^2)$ at inputs x=1.0x=1.0 and y=2.0y=2.0, then we encounter a problem:

kernel = RBF()

    jax.grad(lambda kern: kern.covariance(1.0, 2.0))(kernel)
except TypeError as e:
Argument 'RBF(lengthscale=1.0, variance=1.0)' of type <class '__main__.RBF'> is not a valid JAX type.

This issues arises as the object we have defined is not yet compatible with JAX. To achieve this we must consider JAX's PyTree abstraction.


JAX PyTrees are a powerful tool in the JAX library that enable users to work with complex data structures in a way that is efficient, flexible, and easy to use. A PyTree is a data structure that is composed of other data structures, and it can be thought of as a tree where each 'node' is either a leaf (a simple data structure) or another PyTree. By default, the set of 'node' types that are regarded a PyTree are Python lists, tuples, and dicts.

For instance:

tree = [3.14, {"Monte": object(), "Carlo": False}]
[3.14, {'Monte': <object object at 0x1188ba6b0>, 'Carlo': False}]
is a PyTree with structure

import jax.tree_util as jtu

PyTreeDef([*, {'Carlo': *, 'Monte': *}])
with the following leaves

[3.14, False, <object object at 0x1188ba6b0>]

Consider a second example, a PyTree of JAX arrays

tree = (
    jnp.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]),
    jnp.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0]),
    jnp.array([7.0, 8.0, 9.0]),

You can use this template to perform various operations on the data, such as applying a function to each leaf of the PyTree.

For example, suppose you want to square each element of the arrays. You can then apply this using the tree_map function from the jax.tree_util module:

print(jtu.tree_map(lambda x: x**2, tree))
(Array([1., 4., 9.], dtype=float32), Array([16., 25., 36.], dtype=float32), Array([49., 64., 81.], dtype=float32))

In this example, the PyTree makes it easy to apply a function to each leaf of a complex data structure, without having to manually traverse the data structure and handle each leaf individually. JAX PyTrees, therefore, are a powerful tool that can simplify many tasks in machine learning and scientific computing. As such, most JAX functions operate over PyTrees of JAX arrays. For instance, jax.lax.scan, accepts as input and produces as output a PyTree of JAX arrays.

Another key advantages of using JAX PyTrees is that they are designed to work efficiently with JAX's automatic differentiation and compilation features. For example, suppose you have a function that takes a PyTree as input and returns a scalar value:

def sum_squares(x):
    return jnp.sum(x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2 + x[2] ** 2)

Array(285., dtype=float32)

You can use JAX's grad function to automatically compute the gradient of this function with respect to the input PyTree:

gradient = jax.grad(sum_squares)(tree)
(Array([2., 4., 6.], dtype=float32), Array([ 8., 10., 12.], dtype=float32), Array([14., 16., 18.], dtype=float32))

This computes the gradient of the sum_squares function with respect to the input PyTree, and returns a new PyTree with the same shape and structure.

JAX PyTrees are also designed to be highly extensible, where custom types can be readily registered through a global registry with the values of such traversed recursively (i.e., as a tree!). This means we can define our own custom data structures and use them as PyTrees. This is the functionality that we exploit, whereby we construct all Gaussian process models via a tree-structure through our Module object.


Our design, first and foremost, minimises additional abstractions on top of standard JAX: everything is just PyTrees and transformations on PyTrees, and secondly, provides full compatibility with the main JAX library itself, enhancing integrability with the broader ecosystem of third-party JAX libraries. To achieve this, our core idea is represent all model objects via an immutable PyTree. Here the leaves of the PyTree represent the parameters that are to be trained, and we describe their domain and trainable status as dataclass metadata.

For our RBF kernel we have two parameters; the lengthscale and the variance. Both of these have positive domains, and by default we want to train both of these parameters. To encode this we use a param_field, where we can define the domain of both parameters via a Softplus bijector (that restricts them to the positive domain), and set their trainable status to True.

import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.bijectors as tfb
from gpjax.base import Module, param_field

class RBF(Module):
    lengthscale: float = param_field(1.0, bijector=tfb.Softplus(), trainable=True)
    variance: float = param_field(1.0, bijector=tfb.Softplus(), trainable=True)

    def covariance(self, x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
        return self.variance * jnp.exp(-0.5 * ((x - y) / self.lengthscale) ** 2)

Here param_field is just a special type of dataclasses.field. As such the following:

param_field(1.0, bijector= tfb.Identity(), trainable=False)

is equivalent to the following dataclasses.field

field(default=1.0, metadata={"trainable": False, "bijector": tfb.Identity()})

By default unmarked leaf attributes default to an Identity bijector and trainablility set to True.

Replacing values

For consistency with JAX’s functional programming principles, Module instances are immutable. PyTree nodes can be changed out-of-place via the replace method.

kernel = RBF()
kernel = kernel.replace(lengthscale=3.14)  # Update e.g., the lengthscale.
RBF(lengthscale=3.14, variance=1.0)

Transformations πŸ€–

Use constrain / unconstrain to return a Module with each parameter's bijector forward / inverse operation applied!

# Transform kernel to unconstrained space
unconstrained_kernel = kernel.unconstrain()

# Transform kernel back to constrained space
kernel = unconstrained_kernel.constrain()
RBF(lengthscale=Array(3.0957527, dtype=float32), variance=Array(0.54132485, dtype=float32))
RBF(lengthscale=Array(3.14, dtype=float32), variance=Array(1., dtype=float32))

Default transformations can be replaced on an instance via the replace_bijector method.

new_kernel = kernel.replace_bijector(lengthscale=tfb.Identity())

# Transform kernel to unconstrained space
unconstrained_kernel = new_kernel.unconstrain()

# Transform kernel back to constrained space
new_kernel = unconstrained_kernel.constrain()
RBF(lengthscale=Array(3.14, dtype=float32), variance=Array(0.54132485, dtype=float32))
RBF(lengthscale=Array(3.14, dtype=float32), variance=Array(1., dtype=float32))

Trainability πŸš‚

Recall the example earlier, where we wanted to take the gradient of the kernel with respect to its parameters βˆ‡β„“,Οƒ2k(1.0,2.0;β„“,Οƒ2)\nabla_{\ell, \sigma^2} k(1.0, 2.0; \ell,\sigma^2) at inputs x=1.0x=1.0 and y=2.0y=2.0. We can now confirm we can do this with the new Module.

kernel = RBF()

jax.grad(lambda kern: kern.covariance(1.0, 2.0))(kernel)
RBF(lengthscale=Array(0.60653067, dtype=float32, weak_type=True), variance=Array(0.60653067, dtype=float32, weak_type=True))

During gradient learning of models, it can sometimes be useful to fix certain parameters during the optimisation routine. For this, JAX provides a stop_gradient operand to prevent the flow of gradients during forward or reverse-mode automatic differentiation, as illustrated below for a function f(x)=x2f(x) = x^2.

from jax import lax

def f(x):
    x = lax.stop_gradient(x)
    return x**2

Array(0., dtype=float32, weak_type=True)

We see that gradient return is 0.0 instead of 2.0 due to the stopping of the gradient. Analogous to this, we provide this functionality to gradient flows on our Module class, via a stop_gradient method.

Setting a (leaf) parameter's trainability to false can be achieved via the replace_trainable method.

kernel = RBF()
kernel = kernel.replace_trainable(lengthscale=False)

jax.grad(lambda kern: kern.stop_gradient().covariance(1.0, 2.0))(kernel)
RBF(lengthscale=Array(0., dtype=float32, weak_type=True), variance=Array(0.60653067, dtype=float32, weak_type=True))

As expected, the gradient is zero for the lengthscale parameter.

Static fields

In machine learning, initialising model parameters from random points is a common practice because it helps to break the symmetry in the model and allows the optimization algorithm to explore different regions of the parameter space.

We could cleanly do this within the RBF class via a post_init method as follows:

import jax.random as jr
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd
from dataclasses import field

class RBF(Module):
    lengthscale: float = param_field(
        init=False, bijector=tfb.Softplus(), trainable=True
    variance: float = param_field(init=False, bijector=tfb.Softplus(), trainable=True)
    key: jax.Array = field(default_factory = lambda: jr.key(42))
    # Note, for Python <3.11 you may use the following:
    # key: jax.Array = jr.key(42)

    def __post_init__(self):
        # Split key into two keys
        key1, key2 = jr.split(self.key)

        # Sample from Gamma distribution to initialise lengthscale and variance
        self.lengthscale = tfd.Gamma(1.0, 0.1).sample(seed=key1)
        self.variance = tfd.Gamma(1.0, 0.1).sample(seed=key2)

    def covariance(self, x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
        return self.variance * jnp.exp(-0.5 * ((x - y) / self.lengthscale) ** 2)

kernel = RBF()
RBF(lengthscale=Array(0.54950446, dtype=float32), variance=Array(2.8077831, dtype=float32), key=Array([ 0, 42], dtype=uint32))

So far so good. But however, if we now took our gradient again

    jax.grad(lambda kern: kern.stop_gradient().covariance(1.0, 2.0))(kernel)
except TypeError as e:
grad requires real- or complex-valued inputs (input dtype that is a sub-dtype of np.inexact), but got uint32. If you want to use Boolean- or integer-valued inputs, use vjp or set allow_int to True.

We observe that we get a TypeError because the key is not differentiable. We can fix this by using a static_field for defining our key attribute.

from gpjax.base import static_field

class RBF(Module):
    lengthscale: float = param_field(
        init=False, bijector=tfb.Softplus(), trainable=True
    variance: float = param_field(init=False, bijector=tfb.Softplus(), trainable=True)
    key: jax.Array = static_field(default_factory=lambda: jr.key(42))

    def __post_init__(self):
        # Split key into two keys
        key1, key2 = jr.split(self.key)

        # Sample from Gamma distribution to initialise lengthscale and variance
        self.lengthscale = tfd.Gamma(1.0, 0.1).sample(seed=key1)
        self.variance = tfd.Gamma(1.0, 0.1).sample(seed=key2)

    def covariance(self, x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
        return self.variance * jnp.exp(-0.5 * ((x - y) / self.lengthscale) ** 2)

fixed_kernel = RBF()
RBF(lengthscale=Array(0.54950446, dtype=float32), variance=Array(2.8077831, dtype=float32), key=Array([ 0, 42], dtype=uint32))

So we get the same class as before. But this time

jax.grad(lambda kern: kern.stop_gradient().covariance(1.0, 2.0))(fixed_kernel)
RBF(lengthscale=Array(3.230818, dtype=float32), variance=Array(0.19092491, dtype=float32), key=Array([ 0, 42], dtype=uint32))

What happened to get the result we wanted? The difference lies in the treatment of the key attribute as a PyTree leaf in the first example, which caused the gradient computation to fail. Examining the flattened PyTree's of both cases:

([Array(0.54950446, dtype=float32), Array(2.8077831, dtype=float32)], PyTreeDef(CustomNode(RBF[(['lengthscale', 'variance'], [('key', Array([ 0, 42], dtype=uint32))])], [*, *])))
([Array([ 0, 42], dtype=uint32), Array(0.54950446, dtype=float32), Array(2.8077831, dtype=float32)], PyTreeDef(CustomNode(RBF[(['key', 'lengthscale', 'variance'], [])], [*, *, *])))

We see that assigning static_field tells JAX not to regard the attribute as leaf of the PyTree.


To determine the parameter domain and trainable statuses of each parameter, the Module stores metadata for each leaf of the PyTree. This metadata is defined through a dataclasses.field. Thus, under the hood, we can define our RBF kernel object (equivalent to before) manually as follows:

from dataclasses import field

class RBF(Module):
    lengthscale: float = field(
        default=1.0, metadata={"bijector": tfb.Softplus(), "trainable": True}
    variance: float = field(
        default=1.0, metadata={"bijector": tfb.Softplus(), "trainable": True}

    def covariance(self, x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
        return self.variance * jnp.exp(-0.5 * ((x - y) / self.lengthscale) ** 2)

Here the metadata in the dataclasses.field, defines the metadata we associate with each PyTree leaf. This metadata can be a dictionary of any attributes we wish to store about each leaf. For example, we could extend this further by introducing a name attribute:

from dataclasses import field

class RBF(Module):
    lengthscale: float = field(
        metadata={"bijector": tfb.Softplus(), "trainable": True, "name": "lengthscale"},
    variance: float = field(
        metadata={"bijector": tfb.Softplus(), "trainable": True, "name": "variance"},

    def covariance(self, x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
        return self.variance * jnp.exp(-0.5 * ((x - y) / self.lengthscale) ** 2)

We can trace the metadata defined on the class via meta_leaves.

from gpjax.base import meta_leaves

rbf = RBF()

[({'bijector': <tfp.bijectors.Softplus 'softplus' batch_shape=[] forward_min_event_ndims=0 inverse_min_event_ndims=0 dtype_x=? dtype_y=?>,
   'trainable': True,
   'name': 'lengthscale'},
 ({'bijector': <tfp.bijectors.Softplus 'softplus' batch_shape=[] forward_min_event_ndims=0 inverse_min_event_ndims=0 dtype_x=? dtype_y=?>,
   'trainable': True,
   'name': 'variance'},

Similar to jax.tree_utils.tree_leaves, this function returns a flattened PyTree. However, instead of just the values, it returns a list of tuples that contain both the metadata and value of each PyTree leaf. This traced metadata can be utilised for applying maps (how constrain, unconstrain, stop_gradient work), as described in the next section.


The constrain, unconstrain, and stop_gradient methods on the Module use a meta_map function under the hood. This function enables us to apply metadata functions to the PyTree leaves, making it a powerful tool.

To achieve this, the function involves the same tracing as meta_leaves to create a flattened list of tuples consisting of (metadata, leaf value). However, it also allows us to apply a function to this list and return a new transformed PyTree, as demonstrated in the examples that follow.

Filter example:

A meta_map works similarly to jax.tree_utils.tree_map. However, it differs in that it allows us to define a function that operates on the tuple (metadata, leaf value). For example, we could use a function to filter based on a name attribute.

from gpjax.base import meta_map

def filter_lengthscale(meta_leaf):
    meta, leaf = meta_leaf
    if meta.get("name", None) == "lengthscale":
        return 3.14
        return leaf

print(meta_map(filter_lengthscale, rbf))
RBF(lengthscale=3.14, variance=1.0)

How constrain works:

To apply a constrain, we filter on the attribute "bijector", and apply a forward transformation to the PyTree leaf:

# This is how constrain works! ⛏
def _apply_constrain(meta_leaf):
    meta, leaf = meta_leaf

    if meta is None:
        return leaf

    return meta.get("bijector", tfb.Identity()).forward(leaf)

meta_map(_apply_constrain, rbf)
RBF(lengthscale=Array(1.3132617, dtype=float32), variance=Array(1.3132617, dtype=float32))

As expected, we find the same result as calling rbf.constrain().