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Thompson Sampling


ThompsonSampling dataclass

Bases: AbstractSinglePointUtilityFunctionBuilder

Form a utility function by drawing an approximate sample from the posterior, using decoupled sampling as introduced in Wilson et. al. (2020). Note that we return the negative of the sample as the utility function, as utility functions are maximised.

Note that this is a single batch utility function, as it doesn't support classical batching. However, Thompson sampling can be used in a batched setting by drawing a batch of different samples from the GP posterior. This can be done by calling build_utility_function with different keys, an example of which can be seen in the ask method of the UtilityDrivenDecisionMaker class. The samples can then be optimised sequentially.


Name Type Description
num_features int

The number of random Fourier features to use when drawing the approximate sample from the posterior. Defaults to 100.

num_features: int = 100 class-attribute instance-attribute
check_objective_present(posteriors: Mapping[str, AbstractPosterior], datasets: Mapping[str, Dataset]) -> None

Check that the objective posterior and dataset are present in the posteriors and datasets.


Name Type Description Default
posteriors Mapping[str, AbstractPosterior]

Dictionary of posteriors to be

datasets Mapping[str, Dataset]

Dictionary of datasets which may be used



Type Description

If the objective posterior or dataset are not present in the

__init__(num_features: int = 100) -> None
build_utility_function(posteriors: Mapping[str, ConjugatePosterior], datasets: Mapping[str, Dataset], key: KeyArray) -> SinglePointUtilityFunction

Draw an approximate sample from the posterior of the objective model and return the negative of this sample as a utility function, as utility functions are maximised.


Name Type Description Default
posteriors Mapping[str, ConjugatePosterior]

Dictionary of posteriors to

datasets Mapping[str, Dataset]

Dictionary of datasets which may be used

key KeyArray

JAX PRNG key used for random number generation. This can be



Name Type Description
SinglePointUtilityFunction SinglePointUtilityFunction

An appproximate sample from the objective model


posterior to to be maximised in order to decide which point to query

